

The following requirements are supported. Other setups may work, but they are not officially supported.

  • Python >= 3.6
  • Django >= 2.1


From PyPI (Recommended):

pip install django-simple-email-auth

From GitHub (latest code):

pip install git+

Extra Dependencies

If you would like to use the provided REST endpoints, make sure you install djangorestframework either manually or using the [rest] extras:

# Manually
pip install djangorestframework

# Using the "rest" extras
pip install django-simple-email-auth[rest]


Add email_auth to your INSTALLED_APPS:

    # Django apps

    # Third party apps

    # If you would like to use the provided REST API:

    # Core models and templates:

    # More third party apps

    # Your custom apps

Note the order that you include the apps in is important. In particular, overrides some templates provided by the core email_auth. In order for this to work, the overriding app has to be listed first so that Django finds its templates first.

Django must also be configured to use the authentication backend provided by the app. This is what allows users to log in using any verified email address:

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ["email_auth.authentication.VerifiedEmailBackend"]

Next, ensure Django is set up to send emails. Additionally, ensure DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL is set. This is the address that all account related emails such as email verifications and password reset emails are sent from.


If you are using the included REST endpoints, be sure to include the URLs in your

urlpatterns = [
    # Other URLs...
    path("/accounts/", include("")),
    # More URLs...

App Configuration

See Settings for application-specific configuration options.